Make Shift

I love Make Shift. For me, they are the perfect client. I can get behind their brand and purpose and they have an offering that is becoming more and more essential to all our lives.

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Make Shift

The best brands often contain a paradox at it’s core. Make Shift is a great example. On one side the mental health side of their work often comes through the clinical channels of medical prescriptions and the other side is the hands-ons playful world of creativity and self empowerment. Balancing the trustworthy affordances of medical prescription patterns with the approachable colour, playfulness and imperfections of DIY was key to capturing the essence of Make Shift.  

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MakeShift help people overcome and maintain mental wellbeing through creative practice. Their approach is research backed and reliably delivers positive results. As our work lives become more existentially challenged by the day MakeShift reminds us of both the importance and the fun of self care. Check them out.